An unshakable story is spelled out

British Columbia metal passed through a doom, stoner and sludge filter can only stir up a legitimately lethal substance. This is a story of a side project’s rehearsal-demo tape with two members of stoner trio, Mendozza playing musical chairs. In chapter one, Norm jumps from bass to guitar and Deuce wants to get back to some drumming.


SUBCULTURE by wendythirteen

So I was asked this month to comment on all things booze. BeatRoute wanted my experiences about drinking at shows, whether booze makes the gig experience and the music seem better. From my perspective this has been the hardest nine months of my life. Being newly sober and working in a bar.

I find myself easily annoyed. So much so, that in the first few months after I quit the sauce, I'd turn into a pumpkin at midnight. I'd pay the bands and I was out the door.


BORIS - photo by Miki Matsushima
Miki Matsushima photo

the discordant and the beauty

If this volume and genre-defying trio, Boris, holds one constant, it can be described as intensity. The July 2014 album, Noise is the most recent to be added to their prodigious output. “Your noise, my music,” is a phrase dropped by drummer/vocalist Atsuo as he takes a moment to discuss the creative process of this recording. He will be touring with his other two prolific counterparts guitarist/vocalist Wata and Takeshi on bass, guitar and vocals.

Boris is a band that manages to keep their fans and themselves guessing.



Old punks, new tricks

With new album IX dropping earlier this past July, Corrosion of Conformity consistently accomplishes to span the divide of the weightiest of genres. An alliance rooted firmly in their moment and craft, they are a band that will live forever and play forever. A legitimate feat as they’ve been through the ringer - from being underground icons, to toying with the mainstream, to having even no status at all and back again. Having countless record deals, both big and small, and still they stand. With a revolving door of personnel changes while jumping genres from punk, metal, stoner and everything in between, proves that nothing can kill them. They still stand amongst the wreckage of the ever-changing musical landscape bucking at all the trends.



More burgers, bands and beers!

This heaping slab of party stacks up with punk, metal, RNR, grindcore, indie, noise and doom smoking hard on the local grill. Four summers in the making this all-day, all-night homegrown fest merges four coordinators from Vancouver’s live music scene: Scotty Bartlett, Johnny Matter, Taser Fraser and Mitch Ray. A party that began as a last minute idea with a BBQ, ten bands with members of NUN UN, Hole in My Head and Submerged studios. “We had about 100 people in attendance by the end of the night everybody went home very stoked,” explains Bartlett, one the “originals” behind the very first event.


SUBCULTURE by wendythirteen
(ellipses still intact!)
I was chuckling recently about a new promoter’s Facebook thread titled “What do I need to tell opening bands about show etiquette?”… Some of the answers were hilarious and pretty standard… For instance… Stick to a 30-minute set… I understand you’re excited to finally get a show but I’ve had opening bands jam out for an hour… Not only does that screw up set times, it makes the other bands, sound guy and promoter have an instant dislike for your band… Only your family and friends are enjoying your shit after the 40-minute point in the set… I loathe when I have to interject and say, “Get the fuck off the stage”…

Another gem was the dreaded gear changeover… I’ve had non-newbie bands that are guilty of this debacle… The crowd is wondering after 20 minutes if the show is over because it’s taking so long… How many times have you actually struck your gear… Maybe that needs to be practiced at one of your jam sessions…


Jon Vincent photo

Doing it together

With so many festivals happening this summer and you haven’t found one to go to yet – maybe this is the one. The Shout Back! Festival is an anti-capitalist, DIY, feminist, punk festival happening this August 7-10. It is organized by and for gay, trans, queer, people of colour, indigenous and/or women artists and is a celebration in smashing patriarchy. The Shout Back! Festival is a full weekend of workshops, art, live music and an anarchist book fair. With around 50 performers and bands coming as far as Texas (Thingy) and locals like Channel 3X4, there will be something for everyone, (all ages gigs using mostly venues that are accessible spaces) well, almost everyone.